The most important for last the accessorys we all have these, and it really brings out your individuality. The necklaces that you wear chokers, long chains with charms, and lockets, i would have to say that silver is more popular than gold. You might have a braclet that matche's your necklace or maybe just a plain braclet or watch. some of us make jewlery ourselves, and i think that it gives a person alot of personality. One more thing you can wear on your arm, arm warms they are just really long gloves without the hand part. We can dress up our hands with rings big and small real or fake. Earings can be long and dangley or just a small hoop or stud, but not everyone only has their ears periced you have alot of choices on what body jewlery you can wear too, eye brow, tounge, belly button and so much more. What you wear around your waist shows alot about you, you can get so many diffrent types of belt buckles, big and small, i know you can even get ones with bottle openers now.
Even your glass's can be emo style, most popular choice the black rectangle frams, and girls like to have the big bug eyed sun glass's. Hats, or beanies are always good to cover up a bad hair day, anything can be on a hat and all styles are emo too but i mostley see darker hats and beanies, and not the ones rappers wear. To dress up your neck a little more a scarve, tie, or bandana will do the trick, small none dress like ties are more acceptable maybe with a zipper or saftey pins and the scarves just have to be any color that matchs what you are already wearing. What you carry you things in today alot of girls have huge purses or courier bags to carry everyhting we need, small purses are usualy used for just the night out , and guys even carry bags too for there books or laptops, but you can never have to many purses.